Our prices
How we calculate our prices
Our prices depend on many different factors. Therefore, there is no easy answer when it comes to the cost of a translation or an interpreting job. However, we are always happy to make you an offer once you have sent us whatever needs translating or give us the details of the interpreting job. Our offers are binding – you don’t need to be afraid of any extra costs.
How much does a translation cost?
Our prices for translations depend on certain factors:
- Have we translated a similar text before or is it a completely new topic?
- Which format will we be receiving? There is a big difference between a simple Word document without any complicated formatting and a handwritten will.
- Is the text itself highly complicated or rather simple?
- Language combination: Translations from German to English stay around the same length, while the text length in a translation from German to French grows by around 20%.
We need to see the text in order to make a binding statement. The easiest way is if you just send us your text that needs translating and state your desired delivery time via email. We will then get in touch with you shortly and clarify all the details.
How much does interpreting cost?
The prices for interpreting also depend on multiple factors. Therefore, we usually will make you an individual offer. But some things may be nice to know anyway:
- our preparation time is included in the price
- interpreting simultaneously (i.e. live and without any time delay) is incredibly demanding and can be done alone only for about 20 minutes at a time
- we do not have hourly rates, but base rates
As interpreters, we have to find the right term in the foreign language pretty much instantly. That can only be done if we are well-prepared for the topic. One feature of the interpreter’s job is that said preparation time is included in the fee for interpreting.
According to various studies, interpreting simultaneously is one of the most demanding activities you can do. The mental stress level is – depending on which study you consult – comparable to that of a surgeon, air traffic controller, or pilot of a supersonic aircraft. That is why it is important to regularly take breaks, which means that you usually need two interpreters per booth – unless your speech really is only 30 minutes long.
Contact information
- Schleicher Sprachservice GmbH & Co. KGVilbeler Landstraße 25560388 Frankfurt am Main
- 06109 723531
- info@schleicher-sprachen.de
Business hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm